Come Sail Away
At an early age, I found enjoyment in the writing of many tales. This creativity passed through generations of well-known authors. I thank my heavenly father for bestowing and enabling this gift of writing within. I invite you to join me on a journey of discovery from our creator’s mind as we travel his vast creativity through words, music, art, fashion, history, drama, photography, books and geography. Let us sail away to creative ports together.
I am the author of “Unseen Vistas”, published by CanamBooks.
I am a writer of articles for two companies as well as a freelance writer.
My daily inspiration is from Philippians 2:1-11
Here are My Articles – I Hope They Inspire You
SMART DUST Smart dust is a microchip the size of a grain of sand. Each grain includes artificial intelligence with the ability to communicate wirelessly. These microscopic AI chips can be embedded in products ranging from footwear to technological devices in the...
Definition: Nueroweapons target the brain and central nervous system, impacting a person's emotions, cognition, and motor skills. These weapons are biological, chemical and energy-based. Types of Neuroweapons Chemical: These include nerve gas and pharmaceuticals...
DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS (DEW) A directed energy weapon is a ranged weapon that damages its target with intense focused energy without a solid projectile, including lasers, microwaves, particle beams, and sound beams. This military technology targets personnel, missiles,...
TECHNOLOGY 5G HEALTH AFFECTS Cell towers emit radiation, causing: increased cancer risk cellular stress headaches, numbness sleep issues, insomnia genetic damage alteration of reproduction memory loss disturbance of the nervous system affects wildlife,...
GREEK MYTHOLOGY Greek mythology is a collection of ancient Rome and Greece myths and folklore. These stories concern the ancient Greek and Roman religious views of the world's origin through various gods, heroes, and mythological creatures, as well as the ancient...
CANADIANS AT THE READY On October 9, 2024, numerous Hydro line men crossed the U.S. border to help rebuild the power grids that Helene and Milton had downed, leaving millions without power. Stephan Perrault and his team have been seeking to restore power in North...
The Appalachian Region Appalachia is a compilation of 423 counties across 13 states spanning 206,000 square miles, extending from southern New York to northern Mississippi. The region's extensive population resides in parts of Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland,...
OMNISCIENT Meaning: -To be omniscient is to know everything. This refers to the extraordinary power of GOD. Combine the Latin roots Omnis (meaning ALL) and scientia (meaning KNOWLEDGE), and you get OMNISCIENT (meaning KNOWLEDGE OF ALL). "I am Almighty GOD,...
Barricade: An improvised barrier erected across a thoroughfare to prevent movement. Obstruction: An action that impedes or prevents passage or progress. To hinder passage, action or operations. To interfere with something in motion by intentionally placing obstacles...
"In the beginning, ALMIGHTY GOD created the Heavens and the Earth. God also created MAN in his IMAGE'. Genesis 1:1 & 27 HISTORY OF THE INDIAN RESERVATION Beginning in the 1830s, the British authorities and later the Canadian government set up reservations to...
"It is for FREEDOM that I, Jesus Christ, have set you FREE. Stand firm then, and do not allow yourselves to be under the yoke of SLAVERY." Galatians 5:1 Infiltration: Infiltration is a breach or infraction of a law as of a right or obligation. It is a...
MASCULINITY Definition: Virile, self-reliant, vigorous, bold, brave, confident, daring, dignified, fearless, valiant, valorous, powerful, resolute, muscular, and honourable. "I am Almighty God and have created MAN in my own IMAGE. When I see MEN that I have MADE, I...
"I am Almighty God, to me belongs wisdom, power, counsel and understanding. I am in control of all things. What I tear down cannot be rebuilt; those I imprison cannot be released. To me belong strength and victory; both the deceived and the deceiver are mine. I...
"I am JESUS, and while I walked this earth, I did not entrust myself to people, for I knew the EVIL within people's hearts." John 2:24 THE TRUTH REVEALED REGARDING BIRTH CERTIFICATE American Bank Note Company: This company is a subsidiary of the...
"I am Almighty God; I deprive the leaders of the earth of their reason; I send them wandering through a trackless waste. They grope in darkness with no light; I make them stagger like drunkards." Job 12: 24 & 25 The Nuremberg Trials The Nuremberg trials...
"JESUS did not entrust himself to PEOPLE, for he KNEW what was in the HEART of MAN." John 2:23-25 Why does the government like to betray when they reach power? The people procuring the allegiance of innumerable followers and ascending the governmental ladder...
"The devil comes only to steal, kill, and destroy." John 10:10 DEFINITIONS: Oppression: Prolonged, cruel, or unjust treatment or control. Persecution: Hostility and ill-treatment, primarily based on ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or political beliefs....
"Have nothing to do with fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather EXPOSE them. But everything exposed by my LIGHT becomes visible. For it is my LIGHT that makes EVERYTHING visible." Ephesians 5:11-14 JEKYLL ISLAND and THE FEDERAL RESERVE Cartel: A...
"I, Almighty GOD, will bring EVERY DEED into JUDGEMENT, including every hidden thing, whether it is GOOD or EVIL." Ecclesiastes 12:14 CABAL Definition: A Cabal is a group of people who are united in close design. Their intent is to promote their...
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." Genesis 1:27 & 31 Immune System Definition: The Immune System is a complex network of cells,...
"I am the Lord who made all things. I alone stretched out the heavens and spread out the earth. I foil the fake and the false. I overthrow the learning of the wise and turn it into nonsense. I form the light and create darkness. I bring prosperity and create...
"I am almighty God; I know you are needy, and I do not despise my captive people. I know your pain and distress, and I protect you." Psalm 69: 29 & 33 OPPRESSION Oppression is the systematic, cruel target of specific groups of people. A power dynamic of...
"It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set you FREE. Stand firm then, and do not allow yourselves to be subject to SLAVERY again. The SON has set you FREE; You are FREE indeed." Galatians 5:1; John 8:36 God calls all Men to stand and defend the rights and...
"Jesus did not entrust himself to people, for he knew what was in the heart of all people." John 2:24-25 Whether we want to face it or not, Canadians are being spied on through various avenues of Spyware such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft. They are...
GOD AND GAZA The conflict between Israel and its Muslim neighbours reaches back into the annuls of history 4000 years. According to God's holy word in the Old Testament, Abram, later named Abraham, lived around 2000 B.C. in present-day Iraq. In a vision, God...
"In the BEGINNING was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD was GOD." John 1:1 The Printing Press The printing press, invented in the 1450s by Johannes Gutenberg (1398-1468), became the most critical factor in the progression of the Reformation. The...
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. So my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not...
"As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will...
"I, the Lord, have established my throne in the heavens, and my Kingdom rules over all." Psalm 103:19 Human Rights Human rights are moral principles for standards of individual human behaviour supposedly protected by municipal and international law. They are...
North America: Canada and the United States
"North America, it is for FREEDOM that Christ has set you FREE. Stand firm then, together and do not allow yourselves to succumb to the yoke of BONDAGE again." Galatians 5:1 Independence Day ...also called the Fourth of July or July 4 in the United States,...