“The devil comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.”
John 10:10
Oppression: Prolonged, cruel, or unjust treatment or control.
Persecution: Hostility and ill-treatment, primarily based on ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or political beliefs.
Maltreatment: Cruel or violent treatment of a person.
Tyranny: Cruel and oppressive government or rule.
Fascism: Dictatorial leader, centralized, militarism, forcible oppression of opposition.
Socialism: All means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned and regulated by the community.
Dictatorship: A government or social situation where one person makes all the rules and decisions without input from others. Absolute power. One person takes control.
Totalitarian Dictatorship: A form of government or political system that forbids opposition parties. It limits individual opposition to the state and its claims. A leader who holds and abuses an extraordinary amount of personal power. Holding governmental powers with few to no limitations.
Capitalism: An economic and political system in which private owners control a country’s trade and industry for profit.
The personality type of a dictator is characterized by assertiveness, domination and control. The dictator is an authoritarian figure who seeks to dominate and control those around him. He is fiercely independent and will not tolerate any form of oppression or subjugation.
Spine-chilling dictators of the past
Power struggles and war have existed since the beginning of time. We continue to struggle with division internationally and within our own countries. Powerful dictators have crossed far and beyond the boundaries of war into genocide. Committing horrific human violations.
Qin Shi Huang reign: 247-210 B.C.
The first emperor of the Qin Dynasty. He was a brutal ruler. If scholars challenged him, he sentenced them to death. Books opposed to his views were burned, in addition to casually ordered executions. Prisoners of war were castrated and forced into slavery.
Julius Ceasar reign: 37-4 A.D.
He was also known as Caligula. At the beginning of his reign, he set free those wrongfully imprisoned. He cut the accessive sales tax. Due to poor health and depression, his personality was dramatically altered. He murdered his rivals, forcing their parents to watch. His actions became increasingly bolder and out of control. Sixty senators eventually overthrew Julius Caesar. He was stabbed 23 times, ending his tyranny of Roman society.
Attila the Hun reign: 434-453 A.D.
This Hunnic Empire was near present-day Hungary, home of dictator Attila the Hun. His quest was to invade other empires. He succeeded in the invasion of the Byzantine Empire. Attempting many raids upon western Roman empires, Roman Gaul, and Italy. Though unsuccessful, his aggressive tactics made him a terrifying opponent. He died after the burning of Italy to the ground, off the battlefield, from unspecified bleeding on his wedding night.
Genghis Khan reign: 1206-1227 A.D.
Genghis Khan was born to be tough. His Father, the chief of his tribe, was poisoned when Khan was 9 years old. His mother then raised him in poverty to have strong political alliances. Captured by his Father’s former allies, he escaped and began to unite the Mongolian tribes. He conquered China and central Asia through heartless methods. Killing civilians en-masse and massacreing Aristocrats of the Khwarezm Empire. Due to his many wives and concubines, eight percent of present-day men living within that region of his former Mongolian Empire are direct descendants of Khan.
Timur reign: 1370-1405 A.D.
Timur was responsible for the formation of the Timured Empire. He lead ruthless raids throughout western Asia across the area of modern-day Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran. A heartless leader ended the rebellion in Dehli through a bloody massacre. After the onslaught, he mounted thousands of heads. He then built a tower out of live men glued together with bricks and mortar.
Vlad III reign: 1448; 1456-1462; 1476 A.D.
He was known as the impaller for a reason. His reputation preceded him when he became ruler of Wallachia. He invited rivals to a formal dinner. Upon arrival, Vlad stabbed and impaled them. That was his favourite method of execution. In his attempt to stabilize his tumultuous nation, he resorted to bloody, brutal methods. He was known as Vlad Dracula based on his family name.
Queen Mary I (Bloody Mary) reign: 1553-1558 A.D.
Queen Mary I took religious persecution to the next level—the only child of King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, a catholic. When Mary became Queen of England, she sought to mandate her religious beliefs upon all of England. She married Philip II of Spain, who was also a catholic. Together, they began what is known as the “Inquisition.” A campaign of murdering thousands of Protestants by fire at the stake.
Vladimir Lenin reign: 1917-1924 A.D.
Ilyich Ulyanov, also known as Lenin, held rebellious political views. He was outspoken about communism, pushing for socialism to replace capitalism. 1917, the Russian Tsar was overthrown, and Lenin saw his chance in a provisional government. In October of 1917, he led a revolution taking power. He withdrew from WWI, focusing on land redistribution throughout the country. His tactics in dealing with his opponents resulted in the killing of thousands in concentration camps. Lenin demonstrated a chilling lack of empathy during this revolution, war, and famine. Crushing any opposition.
Joseph Stalin reign: 1922-1953 A.D.
Stalin was no less aggressive and condemned for his methods. His “Five Year” plan led to mass starvation. “The Great Purge” was executed to rid Russia of all the working class. Over a million people were imprisoned, and over 700,000 were executed. Stalin was responsible for the repression, deportation and ethnic cleansing.
Adolf Hitler reign: 1933-1945 A.D.
Adolf came into power as chancellor of Germany in 1933 and, within a year, became Fuhrer. He was responsible for WWII after invading Poland in 1939. He was the primary instigator of the holocaust. Within only two years, his third Reich included most European countries. He ordered the destruction of any ethnicity that did not match his vision of the “Ideal master race.” Sending anyone he considered undesirable to concentration camps. He is responsible for the most significant amount thus far of human loss orchestrated by a single man.
Mao Zedong reign: 1949-1976 A.D.
As a communist leader of China, Mao ruled with an iron fist. His regime was totalitarian and repressive. He ordered the destruction of many religious and cultural artifacts. Taking control of all industry and agriculture. He choked out opposition immediately. His imposed forced labour led to the death of over 40 million people through starvation and mass executions.
Idi Amin reign: 1971-1979 A.D.
Amin overthrew Uganda in a military coup, installing himself as President. Known for his cruelty as the “Butcher of Uganda.” During his eight years of power, he mismanaged the economy and persecuted ethnic groups. He drove the Asian population out of the country. With wild abandon, approximately 100,000-500,000 people were murdered at his command.
“Among the people I have created are wicked men who lie in wait like men who snare birds and set traps to catch men. Their houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful. Their evil deeds have no limit. Should I not punish them for this?” I, the LORD, declare. “Should I not avenge myself on such nations as these?”
Jeremiah 5: 26-29
God Almighty has brought to our remembrance brutal leaders of the past and their atrocities against fellow citizens of the world. May we allow him to open our minds to be alert to his direction and not let this history repeat itself in our present generation and beyond.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Sally Darlene Cooper