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by | Jul 21, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

sailing ship

...As one under Almighty God

“In the beginning, ALMIGHTY GOD created the Heavens and the Earth.  God also created MAN in his IMAGE’.

Genesis 1:1 & 27


Beginning in the 1830s, the British authorities and later the Canadian government set up reservations to settle the Native American Indian people and remove them from their lands to accommodate the European settlers.  These reserves were small, unproductive tracts of barren land.  These Native American Indians were coerced to live according to the Indian Act.


A law takes a theoretical idea and enacts it into reality.  This law then becomes mandatory, forcing people to comply.  Said law can then facilitate prejudice and discrimination.

The Indian Act of 1876 permitted the Canadian Government to have jurisdiction over numerous aspects of the Native American Indian people’s personal lives, such as housing, medical care, and reserve resources.

The British North American Act united three British Colonies into four provinces called the Dominion of Canada.  The Canadian government, though still subject to the control of the British crown, instituted two legislations: the Gradual Civilization Act of 1857 and the Gradual Enfranchisement Act of 1869.  Together, they sought to force the Native American Indians to give up all connections to their rightful heritage facilitated through the indoctrination of Euro-Canadian education.

The Indian Act of 1876 restricted movement outside the reservation, banned Native American Indian ceremonies and their Native dialect and discriminated against Women.  At present, the Indian Act continues to superintend areas of the lives of Native American Indians in Canada, such as band membership, taxation, governance, elections, rights to land, resources, and education.

In 1876, the Indian Act mandated that the federal government be responsible for the actions of Native American Indians.  The government authorized contracts with provinces and churches to establish boarding schools.  Thus, children were removed from their families of origin.  Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald initiated this separation of the students from their rightful Native American Indian communities.

QUOTE: Sir John A. Macdonald

“When the school is on the reservation, the child lives with his parents who are savages; he is surrounded by savages, and though he may learn to read and write, his habits, training, and mode of thought are Indian.  He is simply a savage who can read and write”.

Education was the primary tool to “Civilize” the Native American Indians to prepare them for European Canadian living.  These residential schools were built upon the model of reformatories and jails established for the children of the urban poor.

Not long after the installment of the residential schools, critics arose, denouncing these institutions based upon their poor economics, the health of students and failure to create a core of young “Assimulated Indians.” By the 1940s, the failure of this institution was apparent.  Sadly, but not before inflicting severe suffering and scaring upon these many Native American Indian students.

“My eyes overflow with tears night and day without ceasing; my people have suffered a grievous wound, a crushing blow.” 

Jeremiah 14:17


To incite citizen compliance, urban planners have established incentives for coercion, such as taxing, penalizing, and vilifying people living in rural areas and suburbs and the driving vehicles.  Zoning laws force new and existing areas to condense, allowing only certain businesses to operate.

Neighbouring rural communities are pursued to accommodate these charters and legislation.  The goal is to execute a governing form of control to restrain the flow of human activity within a designated space—community leaders who choose to capitulate to the system hinder the freedom of movement of their citizens.  The people then have no place to go to escape their incarceration.

The goal of the 15-minute community is not equality or freedom but cooperation.

The personal vehicle is the enemy of control as it enables people freedom of movement.  Locked into a designated community and dependent on public transportation allows authoritarian control.

Social credit facilitates a cashless, carless, over-crowded, enclosed existence subject to the state— causing mental, emotional and physical imprisonment.  Those in control will not be subject to such standards but will live freely and far removed.

The dogma behind these intentions is to propel society to the extremity of bankruptcy while striving to bring this ideology to fruition.


When will we ALL, along with our fellow Native American Indians, open our eyes and stop allowing such an agenda?  When will we push back and say NO?  We cannot continue looking the other way from the reality that is CAREENING down the path heading our way.


“I, Almighty GOD, together as one people, make you a wall of fortified bronze; they will fight against you but STAND TOGETHER, and they will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue you.  I will save you from the hands of the wicked, from the grasp of the CRUEL.”

Jeremiah 15: 20-21

“Stand firm then, TOGETHER and do not allow yourselves to be brought under bondage once again.”

Galatians 5:1



Thank you to all who have taken the time to peruse this article.  I lived in Manitoba for three decades, and I know the history of displaced people from the Red River valley by the government to make way for the arriving European settlers.  It continues to grieve my heart.  May we allow GOD to alert and warn us of what is on the horizon and remember and learn from what we have survived?  Let us STAND TOGETHER as one for our FREEDOM and not allow these ATROCITIES to happen once again.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sally Darlene Cooper



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