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Cooper Script


by | Dec 29, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

sailing ship




Cell towers emit radiation, causing:

  • increased cancer risk

  • cellular stress

  • headaches, numbness

  • sleep issues, insomnia

  • genetic damage

  • alteration of reproduction

  • memory loss

  • disturbance of the nervous system

  • affects wildlife, vegetation and the ecological environment

5G travels up to 1,500 feet.  It affects the brain electrodes in the alpha and Beta oscillations.  Exposure causes fatigue, dizziness, nausea and tinnitus.

To protect your home from the penetration of 5G radiation, build a continuous, highly conductive enclosure around it.  Remember that cracks under doors allow radiation to leak in.

Radiation from mobile phones held against your ear heats a localized area of your face and brain, which can cause brain cancer.  As 5G can travel through walls, do not sleep close to your cell phone, as it continually emits electromagnetic radiation.  Hand-held mobile phone radiation for one hour causes morphological changes and increased fibroblast activity in the skin, breaking down the skin cells.  This 5G absorbed into the skin triggers a high level of free radical cells.

Security Risks of 5G

  • Cyber attacks

  • Cyber threats

  • Denial of service

  • Data breaches

  • Ransomware

Symptoms of 5G Radiation

  • Warmth sensation

  • Escalating pain

  • Profuse sweating

  • Skin burns

Symptoms of EMF exposure

EMFs come from cell phones, Wi-Fi, and various electronic devices.  They induce changes in the central nervous system cells, nerve myelin, and ion channels, activating significant stress and anxiety.  They disrupt chemical structures and change the body’s electromagnetic current.

Physical neurological effects of cell phones

  • Altered cognitive ability

  • Depleted social and emotional skills

  • mental laziness

  • Insomnia

  • Eye strain, neck pain, back pain

  • Depression and loneliness

  • Mood disorders

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity symptoms

  • Skin problems, redness, tingling, and burning

  • Sleep disorders

  • Headaches

  • Dizziness

  • Fatigue

  • Trouble concentrating

  • Muscle body pain

  • Ringing in the ears

The destructive invasion of 5G and its numerous studies link radio frequency radiation to multiple adverse biological effects, such as single and double DNA breaks, oxidative damage, cell metabolism disruption, and increased brain-blood barrier permeability.  This is in addition to reducing melatonin in the brain, inhibiting brain glucose metabolism, and unhealthy accumulation of stress proteins.


Bombardment of extremely high frequencies at low short-range intensities allows the alarming yet efficient bypass and penetration of natural and man-made protective barriers.

Effects on the skin

The human body has over two million sweat ducts.  When exposed to radiation wavelengths, these sweat ducts become an array of live helical antennas.  Our bodies then become the conductors; more than 90% of this transmitted power is absorbed into the epidermis and dermis skin cells.  Nociceptors recognize and flare up due to damaging stimuli, resulting in skin pain, disease, and cancer.

Effects on the eyes

This low radiation can cause cataracts and lens damage as these millimeter-wave antennas penetrate below the eye surface, causing thermal injuries.

Effects on the heart

These 5G frequencies impact the heart rate, causing significant stress.

Immune system

This whole body’s exposure to microwave radiation breaks down and weakens the immune system.

Cell growth

5G is DNA altering, changing cell growth, properties, and activity.

Bacteria resistance

5G affects our God-given immune system and lowers our resistance to bacteria.  This breakdown of our natural immunity causes dangerous vulnerability to infection.

Plant life

5G is easily absorbed into plants and rain.  This contaminates the consumption of water and plants by humans and animals.  The rain that falls is irradiated, poisoning the leaves.  This causes peroxidase stress proteins to be produced in plants.

Atmosphere and fossil fuels

5G wireless networks via satellites are rocket-launched numerous times into the atmosphere.  As each satellite has a short life span.  Each launch emits black carbon and chlorine into the air.  Google is launching the project LOON via helium balloons to facilitate rural and remote areas.  Releasing ongoing helium into the air.

Natural Ecosystem

Microwave radiation is affecting birds’ plumage and flight ability.  The bee population is declining due to the Queen Bee’s inability to produce eggs, which decreases and weakens the colony.  5G harms humans, animals, bees, and plants.

Pulse waves

5G uses pulse millimetre waves to carry information.  These pulse waves cause severe consequences within our bodies.  Pulse wave frequencies lead to genetic toxicity and DNA strand breaks.





“I, Almighty GOD, saw all that I had made, and it was very GOOD.”

Genesis 1:31

“My wonderful people, you are fearfully and wonderfully made by ME.”

PSALM 139:14

“I am your GOD in heaven, and I remind you that your body is my temple that I live within.  If anyone destroys or mistreats my temple, you shall reap the result of your choices and bring destruction upon your body, for your body is sacred to me.  You do not own your body.  Your body is mine, and I created you.  I compel you to honour ME with your body.”

I Corinthians 3:16 & 17; 6:19 & 20




 Almighty God has brought to our attention the destructive and invasive effects of 5G technology within each of our precious bodies that he individually designed.  May we heed his warning, remain ever alert to the presence of 5G, and be conscious and focused on God’s moment-by-moment direction in his efforts to keep us from unnecessary harm.

Sally Darlene Cooper

Sunday, December, 29, 2024



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